Thieves using key cloning technology are not able to clone keys or replace the ECU of the vehicle in order to override the Ghost Immobiliser security. Regardless of the theft technique it is impossible to start your vehicle without your unique PIN first being entered.
Unique PIN
Your own unique PIN is created using the vehicle’s existing buttons that are accessible from the driver position. This There is no way for a thief to know the combination in advance or even detect that an immobiliser is present on the vehicle.
You can change the PIN any time you would like to.
Fob option
Really want to benefit from the Ghost security that this product has to offer- but prefer to not use a PIN sequence? You can opt for the ‘override’ driver fob instead. All you do is keep the fob with you when using your vehicle.
When you get in your vehicle, the proximity fob will automatically be acknowledged by your Ghost security system. This will then allow you to start your vehicle.
If anyone enters your vehicle without a driver fob, they simply cannot start your car.
1 fob supplied as standard when you upgrade to this option.
Quick, Simple and User Friendly
The Ghost Immobiliser is perhaps the most comprehensive vehicle security available.
On top of this it is extremely user friendly. Your pin will be unique to you, making it simple to remember – but mathematically impossible for a thief to guess.
In addition, if you do forget your PIN your engineer will have provided with an Emergency PIN Code override. Simply scratch this off the card and follow the instructions to reset your PIN.
Fully reversible
Your Autowatch Ghost Immobiliser can be removed and reinstalled in a new vehicle without any indication that it was ever there.
Your Ghost Immobiliser is connected directly to your vehicle’s CAN (Controller Area Network).
From there a customised PIN is generated specifically for you. This PIN is a unique private sequence, using buttons on your dash and steering wheel.
This means only those who know the combination are able to start your vehicle.
Stealth Silent Operation
With a Ghost Immobiliser installed there is now way a thief will be able to detect the ‘tell-tale’ clicking of a traditional immobiliser.
This is because your Ghost Immobiliser communicates directly with the ECU on the data bus to immobilise your vehicle.
The Ghost Immobiliser is weatherproof and so small that it can be combined in to the vehicles mechanism making it practically impossible to detect.
Engine Start Blocking
Your Autowatch immobiliser prevents the starting of your vehicle unless the user has entered the user generated PIN.
This is even if they have the keys with them, protecting your vehicle against key theft, keyless entry and key cloning.
No Detectable RF Signals or Diagnostics
Thieves can use Radio Frequency Scanners to detect the fitted security on the vehicle.
Your Ghost Immobiliser does not transmit and detectable radio frequency signals, making it undetectable under these circumstances.
Organised car thief gangs can detect circuit cuts on vehicles using diagnostics reading devices.
The Autowatch Ghost Immobiliser does not involve any circuit cuts, so is once again undetectable to thieves using this method
Service Mode
You may need someone else to drive your vehicle temporarily (e.g. valet parking) or when your vehicle is being serviced.
In such an instance you can set ‘Service Mode’, allowing your vehicle to be started and driven without the need for the PIN.
Uses the CAN Bus (Controller Area Network)
Using the CAN Data Bus means a low likelihood of your Ghost immobiliser being found as well as simple / reversible installation.